
You wrote this story so clear and with passion. I learned a lot from it. Thanks Dr Yildiz 🙏

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Fantastic book chapter, Dr Yildiz. We will curate and feature in our upcoming collections. Thanks for leading the way with passion and vision. You walk your talk as evident in your post.

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Thanks for writing this book, Dr Yildiz. It will be a great jumpstart for our community and will take them to another level. We appreciate your leadership and proud to be part of your team.

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Love the progress over perfection approach!

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Aug 25Liked by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

There are so many important insights here. I didn't even realize how important Notes are. I love your strategic approach, Dr Mehmet Yildiz.

Another interesting insight is creating the urgency or exclusivity to increase the subscriber count. I love that.

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Thank you for sharing.

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Wonderful stuff here, useful and to the point. Thank you.

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I am new Substack and just started using Notes with inspiration from you. Your book chapter clarified it and enhanced my confidence. Thanks Dr Yildiz for sharing your valuable knowledge and experience so clearly. I will be a paid member to your service.

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You made Substack Notes crystal clear in 10 minutes. How could you add so much valuable information in such a short story. I admire your skills in distilling and encapsulated information. Kudos mate. I am a fan and will upgrade my membership to be a proud founder.

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Dr Yildiz,

Speaking for myself, I love reading your work especially as related to how to work on Substack. I would be keenly interested in learning more about this and when the book is available I would love to purchase it. TKS! Terry Day

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Great advice. Consistency is critical, and that's what I need to work on. Thanks for this valuable information.

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This is very valuable. Waiting for more content like this:)

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Thanks for this educational and inspiring post. I foudn it like a conversation rather than a book chapter. Thanks for your generosity.

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Thanks for writing this important chapter Dr Yildiz, I enjoyed it very much and learned a lot from your exprience. Substack Notes was new to me. After reading your book chapter I feel more confident.

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