
People can and do pay for content on Substack. A writer may wonder how they are going to attract a paying audience but you show the way here. Unlike Medium, where writers often got paid for producing worthless content that just happened to get a lot of reads by being boosted - through fair means or foul - here the writer has to provide value for money. Or build up some special relationship with the reader.

It is a new journey for many - including myself here - and the experience and advice you offer in these free chapters of what will be a book for sale is invaluable. Thank you.

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This is one of my favourite chapters, Dr Yildiz. I was asking these questions but haven't found such satisfactory answers so far. You knowledge and experience shine in this chapter. Thank you for sharing it for free with such a large group of people. I admire your generosity.

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This chapter was very helpful for me as I haven't seen such original and reader-centric content on Substack. You explained well and gave relatable examples. By sharing this book you not only educate us but also inspire us. I am grateful for your contributions to this community and proud to be part of it,

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Thank you, Dr. Yildiz, for your continuing work which is so helpful to someone like me who needs this kind of info to have a chance to become a successful writer.

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This had a lot of useful information for me. I haven't written anything yet for Substack but have been writing for Medium for a couple of years and only started making money. I've only begun researching how to write for Substack and feel a bit intimidated by the demand to produce valuable content every week that will not only gain, but also keep subscribers. So your article (book chapter) gives me a lot to think about. Thanks!

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This chapter is really helpful. I just started a substack and this information is magnificent. Thanks a lot for the hard work you put into these pieces.🥰

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As the letters form words from which the readers gather meaningful contents, the writer enters the hearts of the readers

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Thank you for sharing these extremely valuable insights so generously with us I really appreciate this. Thank you so much. 🙂🙏🏾

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Those are amazing tips on what people pay on Substack! A must-read!

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